Real-Life Tiny Tim

by | Jun 7, 1998 | Christmas, Giving

I thought I would take a moment to tell you a little story of something special that happened recently and that will have a happy ending this Christmas Eve.

Recently Santa Claus and three Shrine Clowns attended the annual “Pancake Breakfast” that a local Optimist Club hosts for the Cub Scouts and Brownies in the area. The children attend this breakfast with Santa and contribute donations for the food bank. Santa does this event and several others throughout the month of December.

At this breakfast there were over 100 children in attendance, which is quite normal, and they all took turns, lining up to see Santa. One child in particular drew Santa’s attention because he required crutches to get around, so Santa attempted to bring him to the front of the line, but the child refused, insisting he wanted to be last. When Santa lifted him onto his knee he could feel that the boy also required a back brace.

Santa asked, “And what would you like for Christmas this year?”

The boy replied, “I didn’t come up here for myself Santa, I came for my Mom. She is the best Mom in the world and I would really like her to have something nice this year.”

Santa said, “Well, I’ll see what I can do, but there must be something that you would like too.”

The boy replied, “No, there really isn’t anything I need, but my Mom does.”

This experience stayed with Santa long after the party was over, so he called one of the members of the Optimist Club to see if there was anyway they could find out who the little boy was and what family he was from. The fellow from the Optimist Club called back a while later with the name and phone number of the mother.

Santa called her to ask the name of the boy and to ask her permission to call him after school. As a result of his conversation with the boy, it turned out that the mother spends most of her time in a wheelchair as she has quite advanced Rheumatoid Arthritis. She has three boys, two who are physically challenged. The young 12 year old, who visited with Santa, wanted in the worst way to have his mother receive a heart shaped locket for Christmas.

Santa explained the situation to his employer, a local car dealership, and the Optimist Club. Everyone felt that this was a special story and they would all like to help this young boy’s Christmas wish come true.

So — this Christmas Eve — Santa will make an early evening stop to see that the “Special Mom” gets her special gift! Her boys will also receive some toys from Santa along with tickets to a Vancouver Canucks hockey game. And, so that this will not put an extra strain on the family purse, there will also be a food hamper of Christmas goodies.

I think Santa just met a real live “Tiny Tim” and his generous heart is what the Christmas Spirit is all about. It is nice to know that it is still with us.

Author unknown. If anyone has a proprietary interest in this story please authenticate and I will be happy to credit, or remove, as the circumstances dictate.

Thanks to Inspiration Of The Day


Real-Life Tiny Tim


