What Really Matters

by | Jun 6, 1998 | Christmas, Jesus

She sat in front of me last Sunday night at church, a little girl… named Morgan. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I didn’t know Morgan very well. I was new at this church. She was there with her Grandparents that night because her Mother had been seriously ill for the last few weeks and hadn’t been home from the hospital very long. Although I didn’t know them very well yet, I knew that Morgan had gone through heart surgery a year or so ago and I couldn’t help but think about even other illnesses and losses her family had been through in recent years. As I thought about this, I breathed a prayer for her Mother’s recovery.

We were all singing Christmas carols that night. Morgan was sitting with her sister and other children who were about the same age, they were singing “O Come All Ye Faithful.” They sang with excitement and sometimes they would look at each other and quietly giggle behind their hymn books. I smiled as I watched them. “O Come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord”, they sang as they ended the song with emphasis. They were worshiping God the way we are all supposed to…with joy in our hearts. They were glad to be together and to be singing songs about the birth of Jesus.

If I had known this was the last time I would see Morgan, I would have told her how wonderful she was and I would have hugged her before I left. You see, a few days later while we were on a long trip, we got a phone call that Morgan had unexpectedly left this world and had gone to be with her Lord that she sang to so joyfully last Sunday. No one knew that Morgan would be leaving so quickly that day. She went to school and it seemed like any other day. No one had a chance to say good-bye.

Morgan reminds us that there is a last song, a last hug, a last smile, a last moment and we never know when that will be. She reminds me to savor the time that I have with those that I love and that every second is a precious gift. She reminds me to never withhold a hug, a smile, or the words, “I love you”. But most of all, she reminds me to be ready to meet God because I never know when it will be my turn to step into eternity. She reminded me of what really matters.

Morgan knew what was really important even as a child. She loved her family, her church, and her friends, but most of all she loved Jesus. I know this because I saw His love in her face and His joy in her voice when she sang.

Morgan has shown us all this Christmas what matters the most….and when I grow up, I want to be just like Morgan.

“…and a little child shall lead them.”

“Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.”

Pamela R. Blaine

Copyright 2000


My husband and I live in Missouri. We have 4 children and 4 grandchildren. I play the piano and I have loved music and writing ever since I can remember. One of my goals is to be able to write for my children and grandchildren. I want them to know how much they *matter* to me. You can see more of my stories on my WebPage:



What Really Matters


