Black Spots

by | Jun 11, 1997 | Distraction, Praise

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits. -Psalm 103:2

As a minister was addressing a group of men, he took a large piece of paper and made a black spot in the centre of it with a marking pen. Then he held the paper up before the group and asked them what they saw. One person quickly replied, “I see a black mark.”

“Right,” the preacher replied. “What else do you see?” Complete silence prevailed. “Don’t you see anything other than the black spot?” He asked. A chorus of “No” came from the audience. “I’m surprised,” the speaker commented. “You have overlooked the most important thing of all – the sheet of paper.”

Then he made the application. In life we are often distracted by small disappointments, and we forget the innumerable blessings we receive from the Lord. But, like the sheet of paper, the good things in life are overwhelmed by the adversities that monopolize our attention. Rather than concentrating on the trials of life, we should fix our attention on its blessings. Let us say with the psalmist, “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits.” (Psalm 68:19)

If we keep praising Him, we won’t be distracted by life’s little “spots.”

Author unknown. If anyone has a proprietary interest in this story please authenticate and I will be happy to credit, or remove, as the circumstances dictate.

Thanks to Tim Cove


Black Spots


