The Oven Door

The Oven Door

"For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known." (1 Corinthians 13:12 ESV)

My oven has a triple-glazed oven door. Over time, the weekly routine of fish and chips, cakes, and various roasts accumulates residue on the inside of the glass door. Whilst we may easily clean the outside of the glass daily with a quick wipe, eventually, the innermost glass requires a more determined effort to remove the hard, baked-on crud. It needs the use of heavy-duty caustic cleaners to soak and soften, and the application of elbow grease to aid the removal of the deep-seated residue stuck fast. Then, we can see through the glass again. Since Caroline is a bit splash-happy, it is safer if I use the chemicals. Besides, I'm the man with the muscles, or at least I used to be!

Like the muck on the oven door, life happens. Some sins get stuck to us but are only superficial, being removed with a quick prayer for forgiveness. Others accumulate over time, are more deep-seated and become hard-baked. They require a more concerted effort to permit Jesus access into the innermost recesses of our being, maybe to find the time for quiet reflection. If is too hard for us maybe we can seek the advice and prayer support of trusted friends around us? Those who can to stand with us, as we get to the heart of the issue with Jesus?

If we ignore Jesus' desire to clean up, we reject the Love and Grace of God to make us spotless. It is only as we allow the deep-clean quickening of the Holy Spirit we receive, hear and know the Love God more sincerely.

We are created for communion with God and with others, in His image. It is a two-way thing. The muck of life untreated influences how we perceive and do life: how we receive, or give, to and from others. Sin, hard-baked also diminishes, obscures, or removes from our hearts an acceptance of the overwhelming Love of God has for us.

True, one day we will see Jesus face to face, but in the interim if we ask Him, Jesus will change who we are. He wants to aid us in this change - when we allow God into the mucky parts as we walk with Him.

When God cleans up, more Light comes in; and more light is evident in us, because His Love and Peace will naturally spill out through what we do.

PRAYER: LORD, hear our prayer for those of us needing more than a quick prayer today. We ask for Your forgiveness and restoration to bring us back into communion with You. As we wait on You we rejoice in the Grace You give. We thank You for a willingness to set us free from our crud as we lay down our stuff of life, in Jesus' name, amen.

Rod Marshall


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