How to Stuff Your Classroom: Lessons From the Classroom, Part 4

How to Stuff Your Classroom: Lessons From the Classroom, Part 4

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." (Colossians 2:6-7 NIV)

In this series, I have been telling stories of the powerful lessons God taught me through my years of teaching. On Monday of this week, I told the story of how I got my first teaching job as French teacher at a university in eastern Washington State. I loved my assignment at this university, and as time went on, I seemed to have more and more students. In fact, motivated students flocked in, stuffing my classes.

Down the road from the university there was a high school. They were looking for someone to teach a few French classes as well. When they approached me to see if I might be willing to teach part-time at the high school in addition to my university post, I gladly agreed. I was, after all, still young in those days, and my desire to help young people superseded my need for rest and relaxation. Interestingly, what had once been poorly-attended classes now filled to the maximum with students longing to learn French! 

Whether at the university or the high school, all of my students learned quickly. I was proud of each one of them. Naturally, there were students who needed special help, and I willingly helped them, both inside and out of class, and it wasn't long until my students also started helping one another. 

I would teach at this university for a total of three years, and each time, my classes were packed. If I was going away for a weekend, or even for a week or two, I had no end of students who were willing to come in and take care of my apartment, my plants and my cats. I didn't even have to ask! In fact, they made me feel like it was an honor to help me! 

So what was the secret to my teaching success?

Just this: When we work with our Heavenly Father, the doors open wide open. He cares, and He provides the guidance we need. 

And just what kind of guidance did He give me? He told me to love them. "Do everything in love." (1 Corinthians 16:14 NIV). 

This is how we should teach students, with the love from my Heavenly Father. In fact, this is how we should treat everyone! And when we do, all we have to do is stand back and be amazed at what God is doing through us! 

Our Father is amazing!

In His love,
Rob Chaffart

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