Two Pictures

Two Pictures


I love sunrises and sunsets. I take the time to go outside and watch them whenever I can. Gazing upon them fills me with peace. Watching them calms my soul. They remind me of just how beautiful and wonderful this world is. And they leave me feeling connected with life, with love, and with God.

I don't just watch them outside, however. I also collect pictures of them to hang on my walls throughout my house to look at during the day. I have two hanging side by side in my living room right now. The first is one that I cut out of an old wall calendar. It is of a beautiful sunset on a dock. The sky is full of golden light, the clouds streaking the sky are pink and purple, and the lake below is reflecting the sky like a perfect mirror. There is even an old Chinese Proverb written on the top corner of it: "One joy scatters a hundred griefs." The second is a gift my daughter gave me. It is of an ocean sunrise. It is much darker. Predawn black clouds are still filling the sky. The beach too is dark and you can barely see the people standing on the shore. On the horizon, though, you can see three streaks of heavenly sunshine breaking through the clouds and heralding the coming day.

I think that often we want our lives to be like the first picture with love and light everywhere, but more often than not they are like the second picture with the darkness fighting against the light before finally fading way. That is because in this life there are problems, pains, poverty, anger, hatred, fear, separation, sickness, suffering, questioning, sadness, death, and even at times despair. Yet, in spite of it all when we open our hearts, the love still breaks through. The light still shines through. And when the light appears the darkness flees.

God loves us all. And God asks us always to embrace the light, to see the light, and to be the light. Don't dwell in the darkness then. Let yourself reflect God's light in this world. Let the
light of love shine through you. Be the sun that breaks through the clouds today and always.

Joseph J. Mazzella


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