Three Secrets to a REAL Winner

Three Secrets of a Real Winner

We all want to win, to triumph and reach success. But if you fail in these three areas, winning might not come your way.

The lady in this picture with me is sweet as can be. But inside, there’s a tenacious, driven woman. Not only is she a mechanical engineer with a successful career, but she happens to be a NASCAR driver.

"Tell me," I said, "what did you have to worry about the most while on that racetrack being the only woman driver?"

"Other drivers," she said. "I had to guard myself against drivers who were aggressive; against those who were vicious and against those who sometimes were spiteful."

Not only that, but under those freckles and red hair, is a wise woman who knew the three secrets of a winner:

-Know your enemy.
-Be prepared.
-Be aware at all times.

With this simple strategy, she took home many trophies.

And so can we. During our own race of life, the Bible says, "Take your stand against the devil’s schemes" (Ephesians 6:11 NIV).

Devil’s schemes? Goodness gracious the battle isn’t against that relationship that ended in heartache? It’s not against the husband who walked away? It’s not against the conflict that divides the family? It’s not in the stress that drains us each day? Or the illness that brings on fear?

Not at all! "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (Ephesians 6:12 NIV).

Although this sounds intimidating, there’s no need to fear.

With a dance of reassurance in our step, we move forward as we know the enemy and his schemes, we’re prepared, and we are aware. Thus, we go ahead and pick up our trophy.

Driving the vehicle of confidence when fighting against those forces of the dark world, God almighty and powerful, brings on the victory. As we battle against all the unseen evil forces, His power shields, protects and guards against the influences of fear, loneliness, worry and sorrow.

We then head to the finish line as winners...triumphant and victorious.

Let’s Pray: Lord, You are a good, good Father to us. Thank you for being with us in every battle we face. And that in You, we are triumphant and victorious. Amen.

No matter what you’re facing, are you boldly declaring your victory?

Janet Eckles


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