The Colt

The Colt

"Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, 'Why are you untying it?' say, 'The Lord needs it.'" (Luke 19:30-31 NIV)

Many years ago when finances were always tight I was perusing the Sears Catalogue and came across an absolutely perfect bathing suit in a stunning orange. I really needed a new suit and this was my colour. It was also priced affordably, I could manage this.

As I was preparing to phone in my order however, the Lord spoke to me and I felt Him leading me to forego that marvelous suit in favour of sending the money to a specific cause He brought to my mind.

Mmmm, this was not something I wanted to do. With two young children at home and an income that barely made ends meet I was very seldom able to purchase anything new for myself. And I really wanted that swim suit. I could however not afford to buy that suit and give the money as well.

After taking some time to think and pray about the situation however, I decided to do what God had laid upon my heart: And to do it with a good attitude. In other words I gave up my colt because the Lord needed it.

I have often thought about the people who owned that colt that Jesus had need of. Perhaps it was their only colt. Did they know that they would get him back? What were their feelings about Jesus? Did they believe or did they let the colt go out of fear? Was it an easy decision or a difficult one to let the colt go? Did they see Jesus riding their colt in His triumphal entry and rejoice or feel resentful that their colt had been taken by His disciples?

These are things that we do not know, though one day we will, but in the meantime I still think about them and those words: The Lord needs it, words which I believe He still speaks to each and every one of us daily. They sound something like this: I the Lord need your helping hand today to encourage and care for the down trodden. I need your thoughts and words to be kind and generous in spite of the difficult situation you are in. I need your money and talents to further My Kingdom worldwide. I need your time for prayer and fasting and study that you might grow and become even more successful for Me in this world of which you are in but not of. In other words I need your colt.

And what will be our response? To hold tight and refuse to untie it, or to gladly, by faith, hand it over for the Lord has need of it.

Prayer: Father God, thank You that You have need of our colts. Thank You that we have the opportunity to offer them up to You and to reap the blessing of obedience and humble service. Empower us today to untie and gladly give over to You whatever we have that You have need of. In Christ's name we prayer. Amen.

Lynne Phepps
Atlin, B.C.

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