Feeling Lonely

Feeling Lonely

Are you feeling lonely today? Loneliness is a hollow emptiness, a feeling of isolation and disconnection, of not knowing what to do, as no one seems to care.

In reading about this subject, I note that loneliness is increasing everywhere. It can be as unhealthy as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Does loneliness make you feel sick and needy?

I am single and live alone, but even married people can feel desperately lonely. I have read somewhere that in our modern society, one in five people suffer from loneliness. Both men and women can feel alone and be hurting as friends and relatives die or move far away to another city or country. Yes, we talk on the telephone, but we often feel that we don't really matter to our loved ones or friends any more. They are all so busy that they have little time for us.

Modern life is making us lonelier, and recent research indicates that this may be the next biggest public issue. It is on par with obesity and substance abuse. Lonely youth commit suicide or take more drugs. We are social beings, and we need to feel that we belong to others and feel connected to one another. Sadly, if people are socially isolated, they can remain in an uncomfortable state of loneliness. Is this you?

Research notes that social pain is as real a sensation for us as physical pain. Modern researchers have shown that loneliness and rejection activate the same part of the brain as physical pain. We may be really hurting, and when we are in pain, it hurts even more to feel so alone.

But Psalm 25:16 may speak to you. "Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted." (NIV)

We need to turn to the Lord Jesus, and He will turn to us. He is always present with us and will touch our souls with His love. Our loneliness is His call into intimate fellowship with Him. He is all we need.

As I live alone, very often, there are good reasons to feel lonely, but I stop and pray about it. It is amazing what happens next. My feelings change, and I no longer feel lonely. Jesus is with me. Yes, there is a deep, hurting feeling all around me, but the Lord can touch and renew those feelings with His love, and I can laugh and be happy.

You and I need to turn to the Lord Jesus. He cares for us. He reminds us that "He will never leave you nor forsake you" (Deuteronomy 31:6b NIV). All that we need to do is to turn aside to the Lord and pray. Yes, Jesus does hear us and touches our souls with peace and happiness, giving us something to do for the Lord. He is present with you and me always. We are not lonely. He is with us.

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, we know that You are with us every day, and that You will help us to share our love for You with others. Please help us to reach out to our neighbours when they are in trouble. May we care for one another in true fellowship and in Jesus' precious love. We pray in His name. Amen.

Iris Ford Parksville, British Columbia, Canada

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